Drop center face is designed for unconsolidated or broken rock and high penetration rates and minimum hole deviation in soft to medium hard and fractured rock formations.
Concave Face is designed for unconsolidated or broken rock. These face feature will help to drill straighter holes in medium to hard formations.
Convex/Concave Face is a hybrid design for fast penentration and straighter holes in unconsolidated rock with low silica contents. Typical applica-tions are medium to hard forma-tions.
Convex Face is designed for fast penentration rates in softer rock like shale and imestone with low silica contents.
Flat Face is a general purpose bit that should work in al rock conditions but should be used especially for hard or abrasive conditions like granite, basalt and hard limestone. Flat face bits are the best choice for drilling in a high silica environ-ment.
Double gauge face is designed for high penetra-tion drilling with good resistance on steel body. lt is suitable for high air pressure drilling in medium to hard rock formations.
The most fundamental decision when selecting different carbideconfgurations is profle shape.The most typical and commontypes are either a hemispherical or semi-ballistic carbide designand it's not uncommon to use other designs of carbide as well.Below are selections of basic designs which is offered by Rockopiaand special designs are also available.
Most face designs for button bits are offered in multiple carbideconfgurations and typically differ in diameter, shape (i.e. profle)and quantity.There are some general guidelines to follow whileselecting between multiple carbide confgurations includingresistance to wear, penetration rate, vibration, and specifc rockconditions.
Designed to improve holestraightness, as well as to assistin retrieval of the drill string.The splines will also improvethe hole flushing characteris-tics of the bit due to the chipways between the splines.
A variation on the standardskirt design, available for veryabrasive conditions.The heavyduty skirt has added wearmaterial towards the front ofthe skirt to protect the bitagainst abrasive cuttings.
Typically smaller than the headdiameter to avoid cuttings andthe rock wall, thereforeoptimizing hole flushing.